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Phosphene — Glitch Distortion Text Effect - MHQ73AX

автор: jezla  |  4-05-2024, 18:38  |  Просмотров: 9    

Phosphene — Glitch Distortion Text Effect - MHQ73AX

Phosphene — Glitch Distortion Text Effect - MHQ73AX

PSD | 22 mb


In the quiet sanctuary of a darkened room, where shadows dance and whispers linger, the phosphene effect emerges like a silent symphony of light. Closing my eyes, I surrender to the velvety abyss behind my eyelids and let myself be swept away by an unseen artist’s brush, painting the canvas of my mind with ephemeral hues and shapes.
Amidst the nothingness, colors swirl and dance in a mesmerizing ballet, weaving tales of forgotten dreams and untold secrets. Electric blues blend with fiery oranges, shimmering greens, and pulsating purples, creating a kaleidoscope of beauty that defies explanation. Each swirl and curve is a whisper of the subconscious, a glimpse into the hidden corners of my soul.


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